Baja California. History. Water. Endangered. And Great Photography.

Imagine California more than 150 years ago. Until Spain recognized Mexico’s sovereignty in 1821, California was a Spanish colony. This colony was separted by two missionary factions. In the North, Alta California was governed by the Franciscan missions and to the south Baja California was under Frandiscon mission rule. But the young sovereign Mexico soon […]

Presentation – San Diego BMW Motorcycles – Friday July 17, 2009

For those of you who made it to last night’s presentation at San Diego BMW Motorcycles, I want to thank you for joining me and the guys at SDBMW. I had a great time and am please you enjoyed the photos, videos and storytelling. For those of you who didn’t make it, I’m sharing a […]

WorldRider – California Speaking Events

WorldRider To Speak In Southern & Northern California I am happy to have the opportunity to bring my experiences, photography and video to a number of locations this summer. If you are in the neighborhood please drop in and say hi.    I’ve put together a dynamic multi-media presentation that combines storytelling from my three-year journey, […]

The Latest. And A Call For Support.

Truly, I’ve been amiss in keeping this blog updated since landing back in the states after my three-year 62,000 mile journey through 35 countries spanning five continents. To be sure, there are great stories and photographs from my ride across our great country. During September and October I crossed the USA using only secondary roads […]

With Kansas Behind Me, I’m Really Coming Home

As I winded my way across Kansas I knew I’d be kissing the great plains good bye and would soon be climbing the steppes to the Rockies. Decisions must be made. As winter sneaks upon this part of the country I wonder where should I cross the continental divide. Have the Aspens begun their transformation? […]

Best Marketed Signs On The Back Roads of America

I’m fascinated, if not obsessed with the stuff that litters the backroads of America. Dotted with the small business endeavors of the “every” man or woman hoping to realize the American dream, I found an amazing array of visible roadside tactics intended to attract customers and differentiate. From banners to balloons to barns as billboards […]

Crossing Kansas – Birds, Wheat, Sunflowers & A Toilet Seat.

Perhaps ever since Judy Garland, in her most memorable role, confided in her dog, Toto, her revelation that she was no longer in Kansas, the state has been the brunt of many jokes. Most, I’m sure, in good taste. Yet those off-color likely often mouthed by people who either whipped through the state across the […]

It’s The People Along the Way – Graceland to Kansas.

As the end this part of my journey looms with each mile I ride, I find myself thinking back at the many people who I’ve met, who’ve helped me, who I’ve helped and who just for one reason or another have made an indelible impression in my memory which I know will never fade. There […]

Nashville: Chrome Cow Girl Meets WorldRider.

Strolling the side streets of the Music Row district of Nashville makes my mind wander and wonder. In the studios, offices and hallway of these buildings many of the biggest hits of American country and early rock n’ roll were born. Time for a haircut, I cruise the neighborhoods of the city and am immediately […]

Back Roads of Tennessee – Riding My Way Through America

Slightly parched, tired and disappointed that I was stuck in a dry county for a couple days due to the bearing problem, I was ready for a beer. With this as a requirement, I’d hoped to walk somewhere for dinner. But in the adjacent vicinity, Sweetwater’s dining options were the usual fast food fair or, […]