Northampton, MA to Conway, NH — staying warm

The blustery breeze blew the cover off my motorcycle as I loosened its tension cord. All around blue skies with only pockets of marshmallow puff clouds. A perfect fall riding day, I thought. “I can’t believe all that stuff fit in your duffel,” Dave revealed as I tied down my Ortlieb dry bag to the […]

East Coast Journey Off To Good & Suprisingly Lucky Start

I reunited with Doc, my F650GS Dakar motorcycle, last week in Virginia and was able to spend valuable time with my brother and his family before heading north to my first east coast BMW dealer presentation in upstate New York. Of course, before heading out I had to give my sister-in-law, Maria, and my niece […]

East Coast Presentation Tour – Come Join Me!

As many of you know, I have been working with BMW on setting up a schedule of presentations, slide shows and speaking at many of the top BMW dealers in the country. I will be riding my bike, yes the same motorcycle from my world tour, to each of the Fall 2010 presentations. So take […]

The Lift To Reno — And Code Word For Mustang Ranch.

The Whoa Nellie Deli was teeming with business, cash registers ringing, cooks shouting numbers and a line to order. It was my third night ordering and I felt local, part of the crew. And now, we were in a bind. We needed to get Jeremiah’s bike on a truck headed to Reno and I looked […]

Sunrise Mono Lake While Waiting For UPS and the Thermostat

The good news is we will have another shot at sunrise over Lake Mono. This means leaving by 5:30am. The bad news is, there is no UPS early morning delivery in Lee Vining. According to the locals, the UPS truck arrives late afternoon, sometimes after 5pm. We’ll be waiting in Lee Vining all day long […]

Whoa Nellie Deli – Another Day In Lee Vining

I’ve seen Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and a bevy of other questionable food for sale at gas stations on the road. But this Mobil station just a 1/4 mile west of 395 on route 120 toward Tioga Pass and Yosemite National Park had the most unusual food selection and highest prices I’d ever seen for […]

Goals With Good Intention

The few drops of oil beneath my bike served as confirmation of what I hoped wasn’t true. My shock is leaking. And without much room, it’d be only a short time before I was out. Dampening would be compromised, I hoped that the nitrogen would hold me and the bike up. I didn’t want another […]

Death Valley vs. Mount Whitney

“You should be so happy you didn’t meet me in Death Valley,” Jeremiah explained when we finally met at the McDonald’s (free Wifi and mediocre coffee) the next morning. “I could only sleep after dousing my clothes and silk sleeping bag liner with water—all night long,” he said. “It was 120° yesterday.” Photos from Jeremiah, […]

On The Road Again

The roar of rushing water drowns out the muted sounds of nearby campers as I stare upward following the pattern of the bark of tall pine trees touching the sky. At some 9,000 feet, the dots perforating the sky, those inspiring and twinkling stars, seem that much closer. Though I feel funny sitting in front […]

The Universal Language.

Thank all of you who’ve dropped me a note over the last couple months inquiring as to what’s next with WorldRider. I am happy to report I’m safe and staying warm, albeit wet for the past few weeks, in Southern California. I gave a presentation to a group not long ago and during the question […]