The Yule Lads of Dimmuborgir

As I circle the largest lake in Iceland, Myvatn, I pull off the main road to gaze upon several volcanoes looming in the distance. In front of me are rocks and wild vegetation all products of many eruptions over the years. But it’s not the seismic and volcanic activity here that catches my eye, it’s […]

Chasing Blue Whales In Husavik

It’s the largest animal in the world. Ever. Bigger than any dinosaur. They can be nearly 100 feet long. It’s tongue weights more than an elephant. It’s also rare. There are less than 200 swimming the North Atlantic. The chances of sighting a blue whale, even in remote Arctic Ocean around Iceland is rare. There […]

Iceland Landscapes: Lakes & Waterfalls

  I’m counting down my last days here in Iceland. This is sad for several reasons, yet brings joy in other ways. I’ve barely touched the tip of what Iceland has to offer. From culture, cuisine, and connecting with local people—there’s no question I’ve had amazing experiences and developed new friendships that will last my […]

The Spectacular Ride to Husavik

Sure, I could complain. This is summer, after all. Shouldn’t I be experiencing warm weather? I remember Alaska many years ago. Then Patagonia. I may feel frustrated, and wince about the cold and wet weather, but that’s in a brief moment. As I ride this wonderful island, I feel I’m overdosing on scenery and raw […]

The Case of Dropped Keys In Siglufjörður

We wind our way north in wet conditions, passing through a series of tunnels, we are faced with even colder temperatures and more pounding rain. In Siglufjörður I stop for reprieve form weather and nourishment. It never gets dark this time of year in Iceland, so a short stop here is with it. Before we […]

Lónkot Rural Resort Iceland—Farm & Ocean To Table

When I first stumbled upon Lónkot Rural Resort in the months before embarking on my Icelandic adventure, I knew I wanted to visit. Somewhere along the logistical challenges and pace of life, it had dropped off my radar by the time I landed in Reykjavik. Then by some stroke of fate, I was reminded. Lónkot […]

Making Tracks Across The Fjords

I wake up to a wet motorcycle, and a wetter tent and rainfly. The wind is still whipping and the clouds hang so low I feel I can touch them. So dark and brooding I dare not for fear that I’ll pinch a whole and let the rain fall. Today I’ll push on across the […]

Facing Iceland Reality

“Don’t let the sun fool you,” the waiter at Reykjavik’s fish house told me. “In the shade, you feel the real temperature.” He explains that for the few days I’ve been in the island nation’s capital, I’ve been lucky, perhaps “blessed,” as they say. The strong sun with its pounding heat is deceiving, but walk […]

Exploring Rock Stardom With Sugarcubes Founding Member & Drummer

The beauty of Iceland’s relatively small size—it’s smaller than the 50 largest U.S. cities—is that in most circles everyone knows each other. We were able to connect with Andri Snaer via Twitter (kudos to producer/director Panayioti Yannitsos) and Andri put us in touch with Sigtryggur Baldursson. Even though the country’s 325,000 population is meager on the […]

Conversations With An Icelandic Presidential Hopeful

The 2016 Icelandic presidential election got overshadowed by the fervor behind Iceland’s win over England in the Euro 2016. Even so, in a country where 90% voter turnout is not unusual, football (soccer) reigns. While the brief moment of world fame faded a week later when the island nation’s team took a beating by France, […]