Allan’s TV Show Premiere on the Cooking Channel

Allan Karl WorldRider is now the Food Explorer on The Cooking Channel The long journey and adventure to getting a new kind of travel and food show on television has been long, adventurous, and rewarding—and a lot of hard work. I’m am excited to announce officially that my new show “FOOD EXPLORER” premiered Tuesday March […]

WorldRider Travel Show with Allan Karl

I’ve got great news. The show is happening. In 2018, the new “WorldRider” television show will air on a major US network. The first episode, the pilot for this exciting show should air late this winter or early spring. Stay tuned to these pages for the exact air date. The title of the show has […]

Happy New Year!
2018 Optimism
What’s Right With The World?

When the ball dropped at midnight last week, signaling a dramatic end to 2017 and a cold and chilly beginning to 2018—at least for those who braved one of the coldest New Years ever in Times Square—I know many felt a sign of relief and perhaps a feeling of hope for the future—for 2018. It’s […]

In Memoriam – Wayne F. Karl
June 9, 1935 – December 19, 2017

True, it’s been some time since I posted anything here on There’s nothing quite like the passing of a parent to smack oneself like a two-by-four to the head. Yes, my father, Wayne F. Karl, at 82 years old and surrounded by family, including yours truly, passed away peacefully in Vero Beach, Florida on […]

Where is and, what’s going on WorldRider? (bonus video)

I admit that I’ve been remiss in keeping the WorldRider blog updated. To be sure, I keep writing blogs and posting photos from my four-month Scandanavian and Eastern Europe journey from last year—so delve backwards and check out some of that journey. My 2016 summer adventure had me race from Iceland to Greece while navigating […]

Living On Jesse Luggage!

  While planning for adventures this summer and fall, and still working on the upcoming television show, I continue to connect with old friends and new. This week I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Al Jesse, the principal of Jesse Luggage Systems, makers of the best aluminum/hard luggage on the planet. Trust me, it may […]

Podcast #28 Duncan Marks, Traveling The World & Making Wine

Wow! Listen to this Podcast with Duncan—a 26-year-old winemaker who is traveling the world making wine, doing good, and following his dream. Seriously. After riding through Scandinavia and Eastern Europe I found myself between Greek Islands and exploring Greek history and Athens I happened to wander into a wine bar and found a kindred spirit—Duncan […]

Trouble In Copenhagen and On The Road In Sweden

Denmark and Copenhagen truly captured my spirit, curiosity and especially my palate—the food is so good. Yet this morning we had to bid farewell to Copenhagen and Denmark. Though we had quite the drama leaving Copenhagen. Like most cities the parking can be difficult, expensive, and questionable secure. Neither of the hotels we stayed out […]

Copenhagen & Christiana

I arrived in Copenhagen slightly sweaty and eyes wide open to understand and explore this Scandinavian city that has become a culinary capital beyond belief. Summer is tourist season. As such, many of the higher-end restaurants decide to take off—holiday on some of the local islands or elsewhere in Europe. To take advantage of this […]