Movia — Wine Made Without Compromise & A Crash ‘Course’ In The Vineyard

My timing for visiting Goriska Brda, the Slovenian wine region deserving much more worldwide recognition, is both good and bad. The good part is that the place is busy and bustling because it’s harvest time. And the bad part? The place is busy and bustling. My goal here is to gain a better understanding of […]

Kabaj Morel Winery & Guesthouse—A Natural Approach To Wine & Hospitality

After a simple breakfast of fruit, fresh muffins, and homemade bread and jams, Tomaz fro Scurek picks me up and takes me to one of the steep vineyards where today his brother and crew and full-throttle into the harvest. Afterward, he brings me back to my bike, and I return to the Kabaj Guesthouse where […]

Sure as Ščurek, Slovenian Wine Exceeds Expectations

As I make my way to the Ščurek family estate, I pass acres of vineyards owned by Kabaj, and then round a corner passing the local cooperative. I then ride through the tiny village of Medana until I wind down a hill and park. It’s a modern facility, and though I hear voices and activity, […]

Am I In Italy Or Slovenia? Can Anyone Tell?

I’m good with directions, orientation, and geography. While I’m just about a thirty-five-minute ride from Moto Servis Tomi and Guesthouse Kabaj, I think I’m lost. Just moments ago I passed a sign reading “Welcome to Italy.” Wait. I am in Slovenia. At least I thought so. I tend to question the GPS when it makes […]

Biking The Balkans Means More Motorcycle Maintenance

It’s after dark when I leave Gostilna Pecaric, but it’s a short ride to Guesthouse Bajc where Jure arranged accommodations. I take my things to a modest and comfortable room on the second floor before taking a seat in the restaurant downstairs. Instead of ordering from a menu, the waiter tells me what’s tasty and […]

Welcome To Slovenia—And My Changing Priorities

With the traffic, steep hills, and snaking streets my bike continues to overheat as I try to get out of Italy. I ride for a few moments, then the temperature light glares at me. I pull over, let Doc cool down and motor again. Rinse and repeat. It’s frustrating.  So before I can indulge in […]

Heating It Up In Italy

After a cup of coffee and a few slices of cheese and toast, I pack up Doc and ride north. Climbing out of the small basin where the Port of Rijeka sits and I head north, glancing at the islands across the bay and beyond to the Istria Peninsula. Known for its truffles, crisp white […]

Back Roads to Rijeka​

I’m told the friendliest people in Croatia are from Rijeka. With my exhaust, sparkling and sounding as if new, I decide to explore one more place before crossing the border between Croatia and Slovenia.  Located at the Southern end of the Istria peninsula, Rijeka is a port town and the gateway to the islands of […]

Exhausted No More

I prefer not to ride when I’m staying in and exploring a city like Zagreb. So given its central location and neighbor to a number of foreign embassies, I decide to leave “Doc,” my motorcycle, at Logobola B&B, even though I’m staying with Stanka on the other side of town. Doobie offers me to join […]

Catching Zees in Croatia—Zadar to Zagreb

With the sun setting over the Adriatic, I ride out of the coastal hills to Zadar, the fifth largest city in Croatia. Though there’s plenty to see in Zadar, I must move on to Zagreb, the number one and capital city of Croatia.  Most of the reasonably priced hotels are fully booked, so I arrange […]