Around The World Alone — On A Bicycle.

Ok. So you know I traveled around the world for three years alone—on a motorcycle. And I really didn’t see everything. There are still plenty of places waiting for my visit. Or at least I’d like to think so. Truth is, there are a lot of places I’m waiting to visit. But that’s besides the […]

Live Video of Desert Warrior Rolling at Baja 500

It was just by a quirk of luck or maybe bad luck, that I mounted my Canon S95 inside Darkcyd Racing Team’s Desert Warrior before team manager Tara Rill strapped herself in for her inaugural ride in their new desert rally vehicle. But what was supposed to be a quick loop or two around the […]

Summertime is Riding Time

So a few weeks back I finally dusted off Doc and took my venerable F650GS Dakar out for a long deserved cruise. Southern California isn’t the most favorable environment to be riding a dual-sport motorcycle—the urban areas, that is. But just a short hour or two ride and you can find great mountain riding, beautiful […]

Baja 500 – Mexico – Inspection & Pre-run

When it comes to adventure and travel spontaneity can be a friend or it can be a foe. When friend, fellow motorcyclist and rally racing car driver Robb Rill asked me to join him once again for another race in Mexico, I was excited and ready to continue to learn and explore this exciting sport. […]

WorldRider Presentation Southern California BMW Motorcycles of Ventura County

WorldRider Presentation Southern California BMW Motorcycles of Ventura County You’re invited to attend Allan Karl’s only Southern California appearance Thursday evening at 6:30pm at BMW Motorcycles of Ventura County in Newbury Park. An evening of storytelling, photography and exciting video along with an always dynamic Q&A session. Come see what it’s like to travel the […]

Making Connections – Always.

Yesterday I heard from Gregor, the Slovenian biker I met in Jordan a few years back. As I noted in February, Gregor and his wife made plans to visit the United States. This was actually a backup plan since they’d originally planned to ride from Slovenia to Egypt. But the tumultuous mideast caused them to […]

Heading To Mexico – World Rally Championship

Sitting at gate 27 in the San Diego International Airport, I will soon board a flight to Dallas/Fort Worth where I’ll connect with a small jet aircraft and head to Guanajuato/Leon airport in the Guanajuato state of Mexico. Yes. I’m flying and Doc, my fabled bike sits home alone. With more time, I’d make the […]

Reflections & Surprises-The Middle East

Reflecting then. Reflecting now. Egypt’s rich history overshadowed by its present. For those of you who follow my Facebook page or Twitter feed, you know over the last couple weeks I’ve been posting a few photos and thinking about the time I spent through Egypt in 2008. First, I still haven’t connected with my host […]

Pacific Northwest Presentations: Don’t Miss It!

I trust all reading this enjoyed their holiday season and, like me, look forward to a fantastic new year in 2011, and with it new journeys, adventures and great discoveries. Some great riding should be thrown in too. As many of you know, I’ve been traveling our great country sharing stories, photos and some video […]

Back In California — The Weather Came With Me — BMW Motorcycles of Riverside

Maybe it’s Murphy’s Law, or maybe it’s just that the rain follows me wherever I go — regardless of which continent I’m traveling. Sure, the odds of rain in New England in October are much higher than that of Southern California in November, but who would’ve thought that during my first presentation in California in […]