Closing Up Life.

Attending to final business of closing up life. And then working on packing strategy. I acquired many items in the last two weeks that I haven’t even opened. My time for the last couple weeks was focused on moving out of my house and selling my possessions. If my motorcycle had feelings and could express […]

Where Are They?

All my possessions are scattered everywhere in Angie’s bedroom. Water purification tablets over there. A mosquito net here. There’s the Thermarestィ and the sleeping bag. Wait! Where’s the tent? I know I brought it. Is it still in the back of the GTO? Shit. Did I forget it? Did it get packed into my storage […]

Ready Or Not?

Am I ready? My mind races through the long daunting list of to-dos that put me on edge. Friends and acquaintances that catch me either on the phone or around town grin ear to ear when they see me. “You must be so excited!” Others say “I don’t have to tell you to enjoy life […]

Not Ready.

I don’t think I’m ready. Though I’ve been working on this plan for more than two years, I realize that nothing can prepare you for the dichotomy of feelings and thoughts that run through my body. Excitement and Anticipation and sadness and loss I drove down the street where a new family has moved into […]

The Countdown Begins

The countdown begins. Not that the last two years of planning, reading, dreaming and anticipating haven’t served as a slow burning fuse leading up to d-day. But today I’m homeless. Someone strange has moved into my house. Now this feels real. I stood staring at the few bags and boxes sitting on my driveway. Filled […]