A Dog’s Life

My last night in the Seattle area. Whether my computer arrived at the Lynwood Apple Store or not, I’m committed to moving on and making my way into British Columbia tomorrow. Tonight I connected with my friend Jonathan who works as a wine educator for Chateua St. Michelle. We connected at the Barking Frog restaurant […]

Forget Riding, Walking Is Dangerous!

I was extremely lucky to have the opportunity to have dinner at one of Seattle’s finest Italian restaurants with a great bottle of wine and a beautiful woman last night. Walking the streets of downtown Seattle through Pikes Market and the cozy tony Belltown Neighborhood. Everything was going right for me when it happened. Riding […]

Seattle Home & Mark Knopfler

It’s inevitable that wherever I park or sit still with my motorcycle eyes of passersby gaze curiously. Sometimes walking paces will slow as they scan the bike, read the decals on the panniers, other times they’ll stop and either offer idle comments or unleash a barrage of questions. “You look like you’re ready for a […]

Hostile Territory?

In planning the domestic leg of my WorldRider journey I did the best i could to plan my route so I could visit friends along the way. In Seattle I looked forward to visiting my friend and former co-worker Roland. Actually, Roland, along with my friend Bryan was the other co-founder of Wirestone. All three […]

Computer In For Repair

I’ve got a bit of an issue with my new Apple Powerbook G4. Seems that there’s a loose connection in the logic board or DC-in board inside the computer. So I’ve spent the day in the Seattle area Apple store and the computer will be sent out for a repair. I hope to have it […]

Time For New Shoes

Waking up to the hussle and bustle of busy business people pulling rolling luggage down the hall of my hotel I remember that there is just one other set appointment I must make — to get new tires and change the oil at the Seattle area BMW dealer, RideWest BMW. With only 1,750 miles on […]

Wine In Washington

It’s been nearly five years since I visited the Seattle area. And this visit would be one of only a few times on my journey I had an appointment. I need to make a ferry in Alaska to take me from Haines to Prince Rupert in British Columbia. But today’s appointment is with the oldest […]

Paradise To Sunrise on Mt. Rainier

After the embarrassing and taxing bike drop this morning I decide that before taking the Skyline Trail from the Paradise Inn to the colorful sub alpine meadows of Rainier I’d grab a snack in the lodge. I sit down at a picnic bench of massive cedar with my sandwich, chips and Arnie Palmer. The people […]

Mt. Ranier Camping

I’m enjoying these Cascade Mountains and volcanoes. After doing a load of long overdue laundry in Ashford and stocking up on a few items for dinner at Suver’s General Store in Ashford, I made my way to Cougar Creek Campground in Mount Rainier National Park. To be sure, I had no idea Mount Rainier was […]

The Not So Secret Handshake

The Not So Secret Handshake There are no dues, no terms and conditions, no regular or formal meetings but when you ride a motorcycle you join a club, a fraternal organization of men, women, boys and girls who share only one common activity – they ride a motorcycle. Don’t get me wrong. ONe doesn’t have […]