A Quest For Culture, Cuisine, And Connection.

Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues

Púcon to Frutillar – Chasing Volcanos.

Since hanging with Cristian and my days in Santiago I’ve been trying to solidly my plan and route south. Since planning this journey well over 3 years ago my dream was to make it to all 7 continents. The far reaching and hardest to get to lays just a few days by boat over rough […]

Lovely Púcon and Rider Rendezvous

Stopping for gas at a service station on the primary route south toward Puerto Montt, I drew the usual crowd of curiosity seekers, each with their own individual gasps of wonder, fear and envy when I shared with them where I was from where I was going. Of course, they were all armed with recommendations […]

Santiago to Pucon

Hanging in Santiago has its benefits. There’s good food, drink and all the modern conveniences of home. You can even brush teeth and drink with tap water and throw toilet paper into the toilets. When walking cars actually stop and give pedestrians the right of way. But beyond these simple appreciations, Cristian is a veritable […]

One Year Later – Santiago, Chile

I wonder what the weather is like in central Bolivia today. I’ll bet that road from Potosí to Uyuni is washed out and muddy. For it was one year ago today I took my fateful plunge into the mud of Tica Tica – a tiny Altiplano village in Central Bolivia. So today I remember and […]

Put On The Brakes. It’s BMW Santiago.

I had been looking forward to visiting BMW Santiago since I my last visit to a BMW Dealer in Latin America at BMW Guatemala City in October last year (2005). It was time for my 24,000 or 30,000 mile service — I had 26,000 on the bike. While my sprockets weren’t in bad shape, my […]

Hanging Low.

Happy New Year!!! Ahhhh. With the excitement and celebration of the holidays behind me, I will once again continue my journey. I’ve been gracious and thankful for the hospitality and help of my new friend Cristian in Santiago Chile. Tomorrow I will take Doc into BMW Santiago for its much needed 30k mile service, new […]

Chile. Carmenere & Cristian!

For the most part, going into Chile from anywhere in South America, save Brazil perhaps, is a bit of culture shock. It’s more modern, clean and expensive – comparatively. Drivers actually stop for pedestrians at cross walks. Traffic lights are well placed. And in Santiago a modern transportation system includes new gas-powered busses and a […]

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