A Quest For Culture, Cuisine, And Connection.
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Culture. Cuisine. Connection.
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Salvador. History. Culture. Architecture.
/1 Comment/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanWith more than 600 Baroque and Renaissance buildings restored since its recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the early 1990’s, Salvador’s old-town, Cidade Alta (Upper City) is the heart of the colonial heritage. Most of the activity surrounds the Parça e Sé and the Largo do Pelourinho. Some people find that Salvador in […]
Salvador A Bit Too Far: The Wettest Day?
/1 Comment/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanThe Brits told me that while I was getting water logged in Arraial d’Ajuda, they were experiencing sun, surf, bikinis and local color here in Itacaré. But by the time I met them the next morning, the mist and rain started its on-again/off-again dance. The boys wanted to go fishing. Not a day for beach […]
The Road To Itacaré: Finally Some Peace
/0 Comments/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanAfter 48 hours of practically consistent rain, the weather gods gave me a break so I could escape the enchanting pull of Arraial d’Ajuda. I bid farewell to my Paulista friends, Carol and Danielle and motored down the road navigating the obstacle course created by the potholes outside this seductive hamlet. With the sky full […]
Riding & Forró Dancing – Northeastern Brazil
/1 Comment/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanWhile we shared a few tall beers in Arraial d’Ajuda we listend to forró music and watched the amazing dancers. Here’s a quick little movie I threw together, as it’s perhaps the only way to get the feel of the music and sensuality of the dancing. Enjoy!
Forget Riding. How About Walking In The Rain?
/0 Comments/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanArraial d’Ajuda, Trancoso and Itacaré Bahia Brasil Paradise. The pool area above the beach at my $23/night pousada in Arraial d’Ajuda. When the rain broke I packed up my Mac and walked the quaint village of Arraial (which means “Hamlet” in Portuguese). After a little time in the internet café and frustrated with poor bandwidth, […]
Painted Into A Corner of Espirito Santo – Trying to wade my way out.
/0 Comments/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanDoc, hammocks and the comfortable Pousada Porta de Areia in Itaúnas, Brasil. The personable and extremely passionate Bixaõ owns the Pousada Porta de Areia in Itaúnas, a tiny off the map hamlet in the northeastern corner of Brazil’s Espirito Santo state. With a few strings of natural beads strung around his neck and long almost […]
Cachoeira to Itaúnas – Northeast coast of Brazil
/0 Comments/in Brazil, South America, Travelogue /by allanStirred most of the night. Took my first malaria pill and it set my stomach funny, mind whirling and left me with a headache. So got off at a reasonable hour today. I stopped at the Policia Posto just outside of town to revisit my friend who turned me on to the Rinkaõ Hotel where […]