A Quest For Culture, Cuisine, And Connection.
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Culture. Cuisine. Connection.
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Journeys Webcast #5 | Jerry D’Alessandro | From Rockstar To Hollywood TV Producer
/0 Comments/in Mexico, North America, Travelogue, Webcast /by allanMeet Jerry D’Alessandro, Television Producer, Showrunner, Travel Addict and One Time Rock n’ Roll Star Check out this fifth episode and replay of the Journeys Webcast Livestream from May 11, 2020 — as I travel to Mexico and the colorful colonial city of Mérida. Here we join award-winning network television producer and global traveler Jerry D’Alessandro for an […]
Journeys Webcast #3 | Jeff Salz | Finding Adventure In Everything You Do & Everywhere You Go
/0 Comments/in Ecuador, Travelogue, Webcast /by allanPangolins | Death On The Mountain | Jailed In China Just another day in the life of the bestselling author, adventurer, anthropologist Jeff Salz. He’s an ex-pat living in Ecuador is watching and wading out the Coronavirus while sitting on the equator. Tune in to this lively entertaining discussion about adventure, travel, and life experiences […]
Journeys Webcast #2 | Jeremy Kroeker & Elle West | Everything Gone South: Holed Up In Uruguay
/0 Comments/in Travelogue, Uruguay, Webcast /by allanJeremy Kroeker & Elle West Prepared For Everything, Except This! In the 2nd episode of the Journeys Webcast I travel (virtually) to South America to the tiny country of Uruguay where Author and Adventure Motorcyclist Jeremy Kroeker and Elle West, his girlfriend are stuck in a tiny two-room apartment. In late August 2019, the couple […]
Prince Stirbey: Finding History, Passion, & Commitment to Quality Wine From Romanian Varietals
/2 Comments/in Europe, Romania, Travelogue /by allanToday’s journey will take me from north Bucharest to Dragasani, one of Romania’s prominent wine regions and home to several of the most regarded producers in the country. I’ve got a three o’clock appointment at Crama Prince Stirbey, a winery focused on making wine from and celebrating indigenous Romanian grape varietals. I’ll meet with Stirbey […]
Bucharest Bound. Out of Gas And Caught In The Rain.
/0 Comments/in Europe, Romania, Travelogue /by allanLeaving Dobrogea, the Black Sea, and Danube Delta behind, I cross the new Cernavoda Bridge and head for the highway. Two things are burning a bit of anxiety in me. First, I’m nearly out of gas. My reserve light popped on as I rode to Rasova this morning. My best calculation is I have about […]
Rasova Winery Where The Modern Meets The Classic—Terroir—And Rescue Of Old Varietals
/0 Comments/in Europe, Romania, Travelogue /by allanI ride down a dirt road to Crama Rasova—the Rasova Winery. Just beyond the guardhouse, a vast green lawn slopes down to the bluffs of the Danube River and to a modern building. Considering the rural neighborhood, the building at first seems out of place. Yet a closer look reveals it seems to fit into […]
The Romanian Wine Discovery Begins
/0 Comments/in Europe, Romania, Travelogue /by allanWith black clouds moving east, I pack up my motorcycle and head west. It was just two years ago when I last rode this bike through Romania. That fall, I rode to the Transylvanian capital, Cluj Napoca, from Budapest. Dining in a leafy courtyard on a balmy fall evening as I listened to a nearby […]