A Quest For Culture, Cuisine, And Connection.
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Around The World On A Motorcycle | The Journey Continues
Culture. Cuisine. Connection.
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Time For New Shoes
/2 Comments/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanWaking up to the hussle and bustle of busy business people pulling rolling luggage down the hall of my hotel I remember that there is just one other set appointment I must make — to get new tires and change the oil at the Seattle area BMW dealer, RideWest BMW. With only 1,750 miles on […]
Wine In Washington
/0 Comments/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanIt’s been nearly five years since I visited the Seattle area. And this visit would be one of only a few times on my journey I had an appointment. I need to make a ferry in Alaska to take me from Haines to Prince Rupert in British Columbia. But today’s appointment is with the oldest […]
Paradise To Sunrise on Mt. Rainier
/6 Comments/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanAfter the embarrassing and taxing bike drop this morning I decide that before taking the Skyline Trail from the Paradise Inn to the colorful sub alpine meadows of Rainier I’d grab a snack in the lodge. I sit down at a picnic bench of massive cedar with my sandwich, chips and Arnie Palmer. The people […]
Mt. Ranier Camping
/1 Comment/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanI’m enjoying these Cascade Mountains and volcanoes. After doing a load of long overdue laundry in Ashford and stocking up on a few items for dinner at Suver’s General Store in Ashford, I made my way to Cougar Creek Campground in Mount Rainier National Park. To be sure, I had no idea Mount Rainier was […]
The Not So Secret Handshake
/0 Comments/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanThe Not So Secret Handshake There are no dues, no terms and conditions, no regular or formal meetings but when you ride a motorcycle you join a club, a fraternal organization of men, women, boys and girls who share only one common activity – they ride a motorcycle. Don’t get me wrong. ONe doesn’t have […]
I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet
/1 Comment/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanSince climbing the most active in Indonesia’s “Ring of Fire” many years ago I’ve been fascinated with volcanoes. And since leaving Northern California over a week ago I’ve been hot on the trail of the Cascade Mountain range. Stretching from British Columbia (meager Mountain) to Northern California (Lassen Peak), The Cascades roughly parallel the Pacific […]
A WorldRider Retrospective: Looking Back At Last Year.
/2 Comments/in North America, Travelogue, USA /by allanToday as I gathered my things, packed my bike and headed to Mt. St. Helens I reflected on the fact that one year ago today I had a little mishap which combined with some business events put off my WorldRider journey by nearly a year. I thought it would be interesting to revist the writing […]